Chico Veterans Resource Center
Chico Veterans Resource Center (CVRC) is dedicated to helping Veterans in need. Our programs are part of a long-term effort to achieve lasting improvements in the lives of Veterans, their families, and our communities.
With the help of our community partners we are committed to never leaving a veteran behind and do our due diligence to help create a better living for Veterans.
From the beginning, the Chico Veterans Resource Center staff has accepted the challenge of helping others. Our services offer Veterans the opportunity to make changes, which will improve their lives, create stronger families and build better communities.
Supportive Services for Veterans and Families
The staff at CYRC partners with
Veterans and their families to help
prevent homelessness and assist with
housing relocation. CVRC achieves
this through identifying needs,
developing an appropriate plan and
funding to assist in stabilize housing
or find suitable housing. Qualified
veterans may receive assistance with
security deposit, utility deposit, or
utility payments.
"SSVF is the most significant program ever created to prevent homelessness among veterans. These grants allow for great strides to be taken towards ending veteran homelessness and will provide access to affordable, stable housing for our nation's finest." Peter Cameron, Executive Director of VRCoA
Transitional Housing
Our transitional housing program
offers a safe place for Veterans who
are homeless and unemployed. Our
Veterans receive case management
and career development services,
and participate in educational programs,
support groups, and organized
recreational activities. This
comprehensive approach offers
each Veteran the opportunity to acquire
the skills necessary to become
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