Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Housing Authority the same as HUD? No, they are separate entities. HUD provides the funding to the Housing Authority so that the Housing Authority can administer the HUD programs.

If a HCV participant rents my house or apartment, does that mean that my house will become a "HUD House"? No, the unit remains the private property of the owner.

Will the Housing Authority determine how much rent I can charge a tenant? No, an owner may charge any rent that he chooses, however the rent must be determined "rent reasonable" by the Housing Authority

My tenant is in the HCV program; does that mean that I will not be able to enforce my lease with the tenant? No, landlords have every right to enforce their lease. In fact, the lease is between the tenant and the landlord.

Is the HCV program governed by Federal Regulations established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development? Yes, both Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Programs are regulated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

How are HCV and Public Housing Authority programs funded? HCV and Public Housing Programs are funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

If I have a voucher, does that mean I have a contractual agreement? No, the issuance of a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) merely means that you may begin to look for a unit. The contractual agreement begins after a contract has been signed.

If I live in Public Housing, can I move and take my eligibility with me? Only Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV)eligibilities are transferable anywhere in the USA. Public Housing eligibility is tied to the unit and is not transferable.

Is everyone living in Public Housing low income? No, initially a tenant must be below the 80% median income however if his income increases, he/she will be allowed to stay in Public Housing.


Main Office:
2039 Forest Ave.
Chico, CA 95928

Phone: 530-895-4474
Fax: 530-895-4469
TDD: 800-735-2929

Contact Us!


Monday-Thursday 8AM-5PM (Excluding Holidays)
• Public Housing - Mon-Thurs - 8AM-5PM
• Section 8 - Mon-Thurs - 11AM-5PM
• Friday - Lobby Closed